This is a special blog dedicated to the cross-generational adventures of Wirxli FlimFlam and Wirxli's foster child, Fwwixli Swindlehurst in Second Life.
Here is a video clip (no audio) recorded by DannyDarko Raymaker.
In this clip, you can see me building my nOObject for my adopted daughter and muse, Fwwixli Swindlehurst.
If you cannot see this embedded video, click here.
In this pic, I am building my first nOObject...It was during this time that I decided that my next one will be dedicated to my daughter, Fwwixli. In the blue majorette suit is the curator, Spinster Voom. The cone on the floor with the humanoid face is actually my RL self. I forgot to sweep that test-nOObject off the floor when I came in earlier in the day to test out the building controls...ooops!
Hey performance art, social sculpture and ageplay fans!
If you are reading this post, you might want to read the context behind the whole exhibition available on my personal blog.
Basically, I made a nOObject and dedicated it to my daughter, Fwwixli. You will see two nOObjects in this posting but the latter one is the one dedicated to my daughter. That nOObject was SLated to be criticized and modified by Dr. Lisa Dapto. Anyways, Fwwixli took all these snapshots herself so have a look..check 'em out...
In this pic, you can see me forming my design ideas in realtime. I had my trademark purple American Flag motif in mind but could not figure out what it looked like....heheheheh.... The guy in the suit and sporting the goatee is our personal bodyguard, Bear Brooks. I ensured that he kept a close eye on Miss Fwwix.
Hmmm..this cone pattern was rather psychedlic but...I dunno...Too Orientalist? I think I wanted to insert my own personal style into the aesthetic parameters of this sculpture.
Geez, I guess sometimes things need to look worse before they can get better...what a serious nOOb I am when it comes to building, eh? Of course, Fwwixli had to show the world practically all embarrassing the evidence you needed to see...sigh!
Ok this pic is important because the gray cone on top is the critically approved version of my American Flag cone. Dr. Pastichan Yifu purified this nOObject from any overt reference to American flags - purple or otherwise...phew! I almost got too self-absorbed there... The masterpiece below that though is the nOObject dedicated to my can even see a headshot of here on the orb...yaaaay! I hope Dr. Dapto can revisit this nOObject sometime next week to modify it to her critical specifications...The title of this nOObject is "A Family Affair - Ageplay Relations".
Here is the final pre-criticized version of my nOObject for all to see...Notice how Dr. Dapto is looking the other way...I hope she was not just being aloof or something...sigh! Actually, I later found out that she was looking at this rainbow vapour thingie and thinking that I made it....Of course THAT was critically perfect. I am curious now to know what she will actually think of the nOObject behind her...